My Work

I've had the chance to work on amazing projects. Have fun checking them out below!

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Weather App

This application shows you the weather including an forecast at any location in the world. You can also get the weather at your current location. The project was coded using HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Moreover, I used an API to get the weather data. It was also my first project using bootstrap. The application is currently not responsive. As soon as I get a chance, I will work on this.
Launch Weather App
Preview of Katharina's weather project
Preview of a beauty salon website coded by Katharina

Beauty Salon Website

This was my first real life project. I coded a multiple-page website for a beauty salon based on the customer's wishes. I used HTML, CSS and bootstrap for this website. Of course, this website is fully responsive, as almost every real life website should be.
Launch Beauty-Center Website

Surfboard Landing Page

This was my first project ever. As I love surfing I decided to create a landing page about surfboards. I used HTML, CSS and JavaScript for this page. Although it was my first page ever, I made sure to code it in a way that looked appealing. The bottom section includes a short quiz using prompts and a change of the HTML code. The page is not responsive.
Launch Surfboard Project
Preview of a simple landing page coded by Katharina